Light and Truth support freedom and transform lives

Light and Truth support freedom and transform lives

Light and Truth support freedom and transform lives


Light and Truth

Did you know that people experience the most significant degree of freedom, life, joy, peace, and prosperity when light and truth enter and remain?

That’s important. Because if you live in a city where day after day, year after year, decade after decade, your life has not improved—where things have gotten increasingly worse—it is time to find out why and take action for change.

Light and Truth versus Darkness

First, know that there are two spiritual kingdoms. One is Light and Truth. The other is Darkness. Look at how they contrast:

Light illuminates, uncovers, reveals, opens, liberates, and brings understanding. Darkness hides, masks, obscures, diminishes, oppresses, and brings confusion.
Light, truth, love, righteousness, justice, purity, gentleness, kindness, goodness, impartiality, peace, joy, cheerfulness, hope, and faith mark the Kingdom of Light. Lies, deceit, pride, hate, greed, theft, control, heaviness, rage, bullying, intimidation, violence, terror, fear, lawlessness, chaos, and destruction mark the Kingdom of Darkness.
The Kingdom of Light is pro-life—it begets, promotes, and sustains life. The Kingdom of Darkness is pro-death— it destroys lives.
Light is the kingdom of God. Darkness is the kingdom of Satan.

How the devil spreads darkness

The devil rules over an unseen empire of evil spirits who reside in the air. They are anarchists. And the spirit of the devil works in the heart of every person who rebels against God. (Eph 2:2; 6:12)

Where Light and Truth reign, people experience life, liberty, joy, and transformed lives. Where darkness rules, misery ensues.

Light and truth come from God

God is PURE LIGHT and in Him is no darkness at all (1 John 1:5).

The true and living God is the source of all light. At creation God said, “Let there be light! And there was light” (Gen 1:3).

People who receive Christ receive light

When a sinner repents and receives Christ, God gives that person a new spirit and commands light to shine within. (2 Cor 4:6) When the light comes on inside, we enter into the realm of God’s supernatural, glorious kingdom of light and truth.

Then, as we renew our minds by reading the Bible and applying its grace-filled principles, the Holy Spirit leads us into truth from God’s perspective. He transforms us from the inside out. (John 16:13)

Significantly, God’s rule in your life gives you authority and dominion over the kingdom of darkness.

Stop believing lies

So, stop believing people who:

  • promise you the moon but have done nothing in 50 years but try to keep you and your posterity down in a rut, in darkness, and under their control
  • have policies, ideologies, and alliances that are dark, antichrist, and anti-freedom.

Move in light and truth

See the Characteristics of God’s Chosen Leaders

Walk in light and truth. And vote for and support leaders who support your inalienable God-given rights and freedom, the U.S. Constitution, and limited government of the people, by the people, and for the people.

“And you shall know the truth, and the truth will make you free.” ~John 8:32




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