
Capazin's Latest Book

the simplicity of HEARING GOD: 21 ways God speaks to us. This engaging non-fiction book encourages readers to get to know a God who loves to talk. Not only has He filled the universe with His voice, but He also longs to speak to everyone personally. Each chapter delves into one of the many ways God speaks to us. Capazin uses simple, relatable stories and Scriptures to connect the dots. This book provides a life-changing experience with an ever-living God who loves communicating and positively transforming people’s lives.

VICTORY 10 Keys for Living in Victory Every Day by Capazin Thornton is a compelling and encouraging non-fiction book. It challenges and empowers readers to regain and maintain joyful dominion and victory over life’s circumstances. The book is rich in wisdom nuggets, simple, relatable life illustrations, and Bible promises. VICTORY provides proven steps to help readers press through trials to a state of victory, triumph, light-heartedness, and joy.

High Call to Pray is Capazin’s first published book. It is a powerful, concise, practical guide to help you pray more purposefully and effectively.  You will discover many facets of prayer:

  • Prayer’s real purpose
  • The character of God
  • The power of praying God’s Word
  • The authority of the believer
  • The patience factor in worship
  • Dynamic expressions of praise

And you will find 30 pages of Scripture-based, Holy Spirit-inspired prayers you can pray.

"Capazin is a dynamic Christian speaker and author. Her passion is
teaching God’s Word with boldness, clarity, simplicity, and anointing."



Hello, I am Capazin. I am so glad you are visiting my website. You are a VIP guest, and I hope you will stay for a few minutes. In addition to getting to know me, you will find inspirational blogs and resources to encourage, motivate, and empower you to live victorious lives.

I aim to share spiritual, experiential, and practical knowledge that will empower you to soar.  Always remember, no matter your challenge, God has a solution in His Word. May the Lord richly bless you in your pursuit of Him.

Feel free to contact me with related questions or comments.

"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind."
2 Timothy 1:7


Capazin is a Christian Speaker and Author. She teaches people how to live as super-victors through Christ.