Light and Truth support freedom and transform lives
Light and Truth support freedom and transform lives Did you know that people experience the most significant degree of freedom, life, joy, peace, and prosperity when light and truth enter and remain? That’s important. Because if you live in a city where day after day, year after year, decade after decade, your life has […]
Freedom of Thought and Speech are Inherent Rights
Freedom of Thought and Speech are Inherent Rights Inherent rights supersede decrees of mere men. When does anyone have the right to tell you what to think or say, or when to sing? Free thought and free speech are your God-given inherent rights. And, as I wrote in Freedom is God’s Idea and Your […]
Freedom is God’s Idea and Your Inalienable Right
Freedom is God’s Idea and Your Inalienable Right Freedom is God’s idea; start to finish. Think of it: He gave every person a free-will. What a marvelous thing! God says each of us can choose, think, express, be, and do. Your inalienable right. My inalienable right. God-given. Priceless! Real progress is living free and helping […]
Inalienable Rights Give Power to the People
Inalienable Rights Give Power to the People By Capazin Thornton The inalienable rights of all people are the heart of the Declaration of Independence adopted July 4, 1776. The Preamble to the Declaration states: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by […]
How to Live Fear-Free
How to Live Fear-Free By Capazin Thornton My hallmark scripture is 2 Timothy 1:7, for over 30 years. “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” To me, this verse sums up how to live strong and fear-free. How to […]