spiritual warfare

How to Live and Operate in Superseding Faith

How to Live and Operate in Superseding Faith   Simple faith will get your needs met, but you need superseding faith to live victoriously in the world today. What is superseding faith? Is that in the Bible? Absolutely – on full display throughout. To supersede means: overrule; set aside or cause to be set aside […]

The Blood of Jesus is Redline for Victory

The Blood of Jesus is Redline for Victory Years ago, I learned always to cover myself with the Blood of Jesus when engaging in intercessory prayer. One day last week, I failed to do that. Here is what happened. First, let me say I generally pray whenever I wake up. Often that’s 1:00, 2:00, or […]

War Destroys Space and Privacy

War Destroys Space and Privacy I like space and privacy. Since I can remember, I have preferred a simple, minimalist lifestyle. Perhaps my wanting a lot of space and privacy was the fruit of growing up in a house full of family, roomers, dogs, sometimes cats, and bowls of goldfish. And, oh yes, lots of […]

Would you entertain arrogant enemies in your house?

Would you entertain arrogant enemies in your house?   Of course, you would never knowingly entertain arrogant enemies in your natural house. So, why do you, being a spiritual house, put up with arrogant spiritual enemies who continually try to overlord your soul? Spirit, soul, body overview As you know, you are a spirit with […]

Where to find strength for the battle?

Where to find strength for the battle? Do you find yourself needing strength for the battle just a few hours into the day? You may be physically, mentally, and emotionally spent trying to balance meeting the family’s needs at home while also working from home. Undoubtedly, these are very challenging times. While one can increase […]

Reprobate Minds, Socialism & How to Tick Off God

Reprobate Mind, Socialism & How to Tick Off God   Do you know people who seem entrenched in indefensible, illogical, and unsound mindsets? Consider that some might have a reprobate mind. For instance, take people who are pro-socialist. Despite horrific historical outcomes, some people think socialism is the answer for the world today. No, friends, […]

How to rule the skies to change chaotic atmospheres

How to rule the skies to change chaotic atmospheres     To change chaotic atmospheres, we need to rule the skies like the eagle. Eagles are swift, strong, and have excellent eyesight. The real beauty of eagles is their ability to soar to heights far above the earth. From their high position, eagles have a […]

Crazy War Against the LORD and His Anointed

Crazy War Against the LORD and His Anointed   While we have been wearing masks and sheltering in place for three months, hell’s hordes have been busy. They are trying to shift our nation and the world spiritually. As it has been from the beginning, their goal is a godless society, a secular one-world government […]

Spiritual War Requires Powerful Spiritual Weapons

Spiritual War Requires Powerful Spiritual Weapons   By Capazin Thornton     Our real battles are spiritual. We have to keep the fight in the spiritual realm using powerful spiritual weapons. Now and then, I want to take people down off their high horse and say, “Shut up and sit down.” But God won’t let […]