Have you read The Revelation?
Have you read The Revelation? by Capazin Thornton Did you know you can read and understand The Revelation? Listen, I am not a prophecy teacher – though I often teach prophetically. However, I have read and studied the book many times. So, I decided to write a simple overview for newbies. Here […]
Revelation of True Worship
Revelation of True Worship “God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.” ~John 4:24 The revelation of true worship is one of the most profound revelations in the Bible. Yet, God did not reveal it to Moses or one of the other prophets. Nor did Jesus speak it to […]
Revelation of God from God
The only true knowledge any person has of God is what God Himself has revealed – the revelation of God from God. Revelation of God from God Through the Holy Scriptures (the Bible), God reveals (lays open, makes manifest, makes known) who He is and how we can know and have a relationship […]