Keeping a Sound Mind in a Noisy World

Keeping a Sound Mind in a Noisy World

sound mind

Are you finding it more challenging to have a sound mind (“safe thinking”) in today’s noisy world?

Positive thinking books, mindfulness, and memorizing pithy sayings may help in the short term. But having and keeping a sound mind involves so much more because:

In the unseen realm, supernatural evil forces are warring against you and work non-stop to control your mind.

Mere mental discipline will not win the day. You must have supernatural power to have and maintain a sound mind.

Your mind is influenced by either natural knowledge or spiritual knowledge. If natural knowledge, the devil is in the details, working to control you. If, on the other hand, the Holy Spirit is your Influencer, He will help you discern the truth.

So, here are five keys to having and maintaining a sound mind.

Renew your mind daily for a sound mind.

“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” Rom 12:2

To have a sound mind, make reading, studying, reciting, listening to, and praying God’s Word your daily habit. The God-breathed, Spirit-anointed Word will renew, renovate, repair, recondition, reconstitute, revive, rejuvenate, and refresh your mind. Ultimately, the Word will transform you.

Censor what you view and listen to.

A sound mind is an uncluttered mind.

Control what you watch and listen to, to protect your inner self from clutter. To maintain inner peace and focus, do not allow violence or trivia to bombard your mind. And never read or listen to anything that contradicts the Word of God.

For a sound mind, control your thought life.

A sound mind thinks excellent thoughts.

Philippians 4:8 provides a checklist for right thinking, which applies equally to right speaking:

  1. True: accurate, genuine, authentic
  2. Noble: honorable, befitting kings and queens
  3. Just: right
  4. Pure: clean, clear
  5. Lovely: delightful
  6. A good report: pleasant
  7. Virtuous: excellent, having great moral value
  8. Praiseworthy: Worthy of praise, thoughts that glorify God.

Go through the list and make sure the things you think about (and say) pass all eight points.

Get FREE related resource: Seven Habits for a Blessed Life.

Speak life-enhancing words

Words are agents of communication and carry great authority. A person with a sound mind speaks life-enhancing words – that advance peace, love, and unity and spark creative energy.

For a sound mind always celebrate the Lord

Applaud, boast about, and celebrate the Lord. Play anointed music. Sing joyful songs. Praising the Lord will silence the enemies of God and His people. (Ps 8:2)

Also, remember: God will keep you in perfect, undisturbed peace when you settle your mind, purpose, and creative imagination on Him (Isa 26:3). What a powerful promise of hope in a world filled with chaos.

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