How to Crush Confusion and Gain Greater Clarity
Is there anything you can do to crush confusion and gain greater clarity during these chaotic and challenging times? Unequivocally, “yes.” Here, you will discover seven steps you can take to walk in victory and peace.
First, the Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines confusion as a state of disorder, disturbance, chaos, instability, perplexity, mental uncertainty; a condition in which everything is out of order; a lack of clarity.
So, we need clarity to crush confusion. The Bible gives us clarity—showing us thing’s from God’s perspective. It reveals (1) spiritual root issues underlying chaos, and (2) practical steps to crush confusion and gain greater clarity.
Spiritual Root Issues Underlying Confusion
Sin |
Sin is rebellion against God that results in separation from God. In this state, it is impossible to have a clear perspective. (Jere 3:25) |
Curses |
Madness and blindness, and confusion of heart result when people don’t serve God with joy and gladness. (Deut 28:28, 47) |
Demonic |
Envy and self-seeking“Where there are jealousy and selfishness, there will be confusion and every kind of evil.” (Jas 3:16, ICB) Death-wielding wordsEvery time you speak, there are consequences—good or bad. “Words kill, words give life; they’re either poison or fruit—you choose.” (Prov 18:21, MSG). So, crush confusion by speaking only life-sustaining words. Access to one’s heartIf you watch and listen to fear-inducing or truth-altering news, violent and perverse movies, and video games, you are giving evil spirits a door of access into your life. Inner conflict will result. To crush confusion: “Guard your heart diligently, for from it flow the springs of life” (Prov 4:23, TLV). |
Emotional |
Abuse, unmet needs, unhealed hurts, family problems, loss of a loved one, or loss of livelihood can leave a person emotionally wounded, depressed, and confused. However, there is help in the Lord (Yahweh-Rapha), who loves you everlastingly and is the only One who can restore a person’s soul or the nation’s soul. (Ps 23:3) Ask Him to help you. |
Drugs, intoxicating drinks, nicotine, and intoxicating people will poison one’s system and bring chaos. You can crush confusion by breaking habits and toxic associations that rob you of life, freedom, and clarity. (See Tit 2:12) |
Mental stress |
Anxiety brings disruption to one’s mind. Proverbs 12:25 says: “Anxiety in the heart of man causes depression, but a good word makes it glad.” |
Doublemindedness |
Going back and forth between two opinions is like having two minds. A double-minded person is unstable (unreliable, uncertain) in all his ways. He is like a person adrift at sea. (Jas 1:8) |
God is not the author of confusion, but of peace. ~1 Cor 14:33
Seven Steps to Crush Confusion
- COME to the Lord Jesus Christ. He will give you peace, rest, and clarity. By His Spirit, He will reveal who He is, who you are in Him, and His most excellent plan for your life.
- CULTIVATE hearing God. Read the Holy Scriptures—God’s revelation to us—full of light, truth, love, grace, peace, joy, and hope. Ingesting and acting on God’s Word is the most excellent key to crushing confusion and gaining greater clarity. And pray for light, truth, understanding, and wisdom. Then listen to and obey what the Lord speaks to your heart.
- CUT OFF everything that assaults your soul and disturbs your peace (foul music, videos, television, movies, and venues with hateful people).
- CAST DOWN and demolish arguments and every high thing lifting itself against God’s knowledge and take captive every thought into the obedience of Christ (2 Cor 10:5). You will crush confusion before it has a chance to take root.
- CHOOSE to be authentic—genuine, transparent, single-minded, the same person publicly and privately.
- COMMUNICATE in clear, straightforward language.
- CO-MINGLE with positive, moral people.
You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you! ~ Isa 26:3, NLT
If you do these things, you will definitely crush confusion and gain greater clarity.
See also, Matt 11:28-29.
What steps are you taking to crush confusion? Please feel free to post your comments.
5 Responses
In my morning prayers, aside from strength for the day, wisdom and discernment, I always ask for the Spirit of Truth and Revelation. So much is going on in this ‘crazy’ world of ours, I want to walk with our Lord and be able to hear His voice. Thanks so much for your blogs, Capazin.
My pleasure to write what I hear the Lord wanting to say through me at this time and have it be a measure of blessing in your life. You are on the right track.
This is so true and its very hard to be around many people that aren’t of the same spirit when you work or live with people who see things very differently than you do. But we must stay strong and as you said Cap by the principles you stated we can overcome!!!!
I recently watched a movie called “The Hidden Life.” It’s a story of the amazing faith of a believer in the face of the vilest evil and death during the reign of Hitler. Those evil soldiers made my contract employer look like a choir boy. But the hidden life-the life within where we commune with the Lord-will sustain us through anything. God is with us, for us, and in us. May grace and peace be multiplied to you.
Another incredible article Capazin! Well written with very useful information! Great job!