Regard No One According to the Flesh

Regard No One According to the Flesh

Regard No One According to the Flesh


regard no one according to flesh

“Therefore, from now on, we regard no one according to the flesh.” (2 Cor 5:16a, NKJV)

Many mornings after prayer, I sit down at my computer with a blank document open. I start to type my thoughts and impressions. Soon I am engaged in an adventure through the Scriptures.

A few days ago, I heard the words “regard no one according to the flesh.” So, I revisited this verse. Here is what I found.

To have the right view of people, regard no one according to the flesh

Therefore, from now on, we regard no one according to the flesh.” This sentence starts with the word, therefore. This word concludes a thought or induces an action based on something previously stated.

So, I looked at the prior verse, which says:

“He [Christ] died for all people, so that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for the one who died and rose for them.” (2 Cor 5:15, ISV)

Then, verse 16 instructs us, from now on, regard no one according to the flesh. That is, do not assess people based on any external thing such as skin color or size, or worldly things such as education, fame, wealth, title, pedigree, or the lack thereof. Here are three reasons why:

  1. Christ died and rose again for everyone.
  2. No one knows what God is doing in someone else’s life.
  3. A scoundrel today might be a saint tomorrow.

That is why we should make petitions, prayers, intercessions, and prayers of thanks for all people. (1 Tim 2:1a)

In Christ, you get to show the love of God

As new creations in Christ, one thing should compel us. The love of God. Only in His love can we have a right view of people.

So, from now on, regard no one according to the flesh. Keep praying for everyone, because everyone has the right to know what we know—that Christ died and rose again for them.


Do you find it difficult to view all people the same? Please post your comments.


Capazin Thornton is a Christian speaker and writer in Orange County, California. Check out her latest book with video trailer here: the Simplicity of Hearing God: 21 Ways God Speaks to Us.

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    2 Responses

    1. That is such an excellent Word to all of us no matter where we live or where we work!!
      Thank you Cap for another Word in Season!!

      1. Thank you, Janice, for your comment. Oh to God that everyone, starting with all Christians, would take this to heart and apply it. What a wonderful world this would be):

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