Life is beautiful-can’t you see it?
Remember that scene in the movie where King Kong sat on a high mountain cliff on Skull Island looking out at the sun setting in a vast blue sky when Ann (Naomi Watts) put her hand over her heart and said one word, “Beautiful.”
At the movie’s end, before navy pilots killed him, Kong sat on a ledge of the Empire State Building, viewing a similar cosmic scene. Looking out with him, Ann said, “Beautiful.”
King Kong is merely a movie. Yet there is a huge takeaway for me: No matter the ugly in the world, the truly beautiful outweighs it.
Babies are Beautiful
Babies are lovely – red, white, yellow, black, or brown.
Why is that? Each child is one of a kind, rare, and uncommon. Each has a unique ID and is born full of purpose to be discovered and fulfilled.
And, unless they are in some distress (like having a diaper full of stink), babies usually coo, smile, and look at you as though you are the most fantastic sight. Sometimes they lie on their backs swaying to music or kicking their little feet up in the air for joy.
So parents, rejoice over, protect, and help your children fulfill their destiny.
The Heavens are Telling the Glory of God.
The heavens are beautiful. And they speak a simple language. They are telling, announcing, proclaiming, making known, and displaying God’s glorious majesty and greatness.
And the earth is exquisite—mountains, oceans, islands, beaches with white sand, picturesque landscapes, and natural wonders everywhere.
Rivers and oceans are full of an infinite variety of fish species. Gorgeous animals everywhere, reproducing after their kind since the beginning of time.
Yet, despite the truly beautiful, the Bible says: “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor has entered into the heart of man the things God has prepared for those who love Him” (1 Cor. 2:9).
Freedom is Beautiful
Freedom is and always will be God’s idea. God created humans with free will. He gave us a conscience and the ability to think, reason, and make choices.
God knew we would sin. So, before the foundation of the world, he planned for His Son Jesus Christ to die for our sins. When we choose to receive His Son into our hearts, God forgives our past sins and declares us right with Himself.
As we grow in the knowledge of Him, freedom (spiritually, emotionally, physically, economically, and socially) increases.
Life is beautiful. See it and embrace it.
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One Response
That’s a wonderful word for this season in our lives!
We must learn to look up and see all that the Lord has given us and those beautiful things haven’t changed!
We have so….much to be thankful for!!
Thank you so much Cap for this wonderful word in season!!