God Created Male and Female
According to Genesis 1:26, God created humans, male and female, to:
- bear a similitude in appearance or quality to God
- stay in close fellowship with God
- reproduce
- be co-regents with God over the earth.
God created male and female in His image
“So God created humankind in His image, in the image of God did He create it, male and female He created them.” ~ Gen 1:27 (Fox)
God created the male from soil
The Lord God formed Adam’s body from the dust of the earth. He then breathed into his nostrils the breath of lives. Adam became a living personality. Animated by the breath of God, man is a spirit, with a soul, in a physical body. Gen 2:7
God created the male to be a representative
The root word for male in Hebrew means to mark, to remember, make to be remembered, and to impress (on the memory). God created the male to remind all creation of the God he represents.
God created a female counterpart for the male
Then God said it was not good for the male human to be alone. So, God created a female human counterpart for him.
“So YHWH, God, caused a deep slumber to fall upon the human, so that he slept, He took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh in its place.”~ Gen 2:21 (Fox)
God skillfully formed and built the female from one side of Adam. He then brought the female to Adam.
“The human said: ‘This time, she-is-it! Bone from my bones, flesh from my flesh! She shall be called Woman/Isha, for from Man/Ish she was taken! Therefore a man leaves his father and his mother and clings to his wife, and they become one flesh.'” ~ Gen 2:23-24 (Fox)
God created the female with distinctions
Female in the Hebrew means distinguish or declare distinctly. God specially created the female with well-defined, unmistakable characteristics. At the same time, she compliments him in every way.
God created the female to respond sexually to the male
God made the female body correspond face-to-face with her husband. Her sex organs are internal, designed to respond to the male’s external sex organs. God intended they experience maximum sexual fulfillment with one another.
God created the female to bear children
The female’s body was designed for reproduction. Hollowed out for purpose by God to conceive, carry, and bear children.
“Then God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply . . .” ~ Gen 1:28
God created the female to nurture children
The Greek word for female (thelus) means nipple and to suckle. God designs a woman’s mammary glands to feed her babies. Her breasts are like a warm cozy pillow for her child to feel loved and safe.
God established marriage between male and female
Marriage is God’s idea. It is a spiritual union between one male and one female. No law can supersede God’s eternal Word and purpose.
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