5 Steps to Grow Up Spiritually

5 Steps to Grow Up Spiritually

5 Steps to Grow Up Spiritually


By Capazin Thornton



Brothers and sisters, when I was there, I could not talk to you the way I talk to people who are led by the Spirit. I had to talk to you like ordinary people of the world. You were like babies in Christ.—1 Cor 3:1 ERV

Not spoken to as to spiritual

Paul the apostle was called, gifted, anointed, and spiritually wise. But he was unable to discuss meaty spiritual issues with this group of Christians.

They were born again, having been washed, sanctified and justified in the name of the Lord Jesus by the Holy Spirit. God’s Spirit was in them. They were enriched in all utterance and knowledge. And they lacked no spiritual gifts. Yet, instead of acting like spiritually rich mature people, they acted like the unregenerate, like babies.

Spoken to as to carnal

Paul referred to them as carnal (fleshly). They quarreled with one another. They splintered into factions, boasting of preference for this or that teacher. They seriously failed to magnify the Lord who is the power and wisdom of God.

Spoken to as to babes in Christ

These Christians acted like babies.

Naturally speaking, babies require a lot of attention. Feed me. Clean me. Clothe me. Hold me. Sing to me. And they will have a tantrum if ignored.

Spiritual babes likewise can be demanding. They like to voice their opinions. They like to argue. They won’t go to church if their favorite pastor isn’t speaking. The truth underlying everything else is they are unskilled in the word of righteousness (Heb 5:13).

Brothers and sisters, it is time for us to grow up.

5 Steps to Grow Up Spiritually

  1. Get daily spiritual nourishment essential for growth

Regular, systematic study of the whole of God’s Word will develop and mature our spiritual faculties. And regularly hearing God’s Word will increase our faith.

  1. Avoid worldly wisdom

Do not pride yourself in worldly wisdom. It is conceit. It is foolishness to God. And, it has a way of blowing up in the faces of those who adhere to it.

  1. Do not boast in men

There is no one on earth in whom you should boast as though he or she is some great one. Thank God for talented people around the world. However, only boast in the Lord from whom life and blessings flow.

  1. Get rid of selfish desires

To grow up spiritually, don’t clutch for power or privilege. Stop thinking “What’s in it for me.” Simply love people. Help them when you can to bear overloads. God sees. He will reward you in due season.

  1. Trust the Lord in everything

To grow up spiritually requires that we learn to trust the Lord in everything. As we do, we discover that “all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose” (Rom 8:28).

[Scripture References: 1 Cor 1:5-7; 1 Pet 2:1-2; Rom 10:17; 1 Cor 1:24, 30; 1 Cor 3:18-23]


Please feel free to post your comments.


Capazin Thornton is a Christian Speaker and Author in Orange County, California.

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