How to Win Every Spiritual Battle

How to Win Every Spiritual Battle

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Is it possible to win every spiritual battle you face? YES!

You might think, “Capazin, nobody wins all the time!”

Dear friends, you may not have had successful outcomes in the past, but you can arm yourself with know-how that can change everything.

King David-Role Model for Success in Battle

From his youth, David developed a pattern of slaying giants. He killed a lion and a bear. Then, he became a courageous warrior and king who never lost a military battle in 40 years.

David had a God-infused winning mindset. And He knew his covenant with God. When facing Goliath, he believed that the same God who had delivered him from the lion and bear was with him to ensure victory in his battle with Goliath.

Believers today can develop David’s winning attitude and other keys to help them win spiritual battles.

Winning Every Spiritual Battle

How to Win Every Spiritual Battle reveals eight victory essentials for believers today, empowering you with practical tools and strategies.

  • Learn secrets from the unparalleled military success of Israel’s greatest king.
  • Discover the only invincible mindset and the most excellent tools that assure you win every spiritual battle.
  • Learn to live according to Plan A so you never have to settle for Plan B or less than God’s best.

Fight all life’s battles from your position of authority in Christ and you will win every time.

Want to start winning and keep on winning? Get your copy of How to Win Every Spiritual Battle now!