Christ Came to Bring Life and Light to Everyone

Christ Came to Bring Life and Light to Everyone

Christ Came to Bring Life and Light to Everyone


Did you know Jesus Christ did not come from Heaven to start a religion? No. He came to bring life and light to everyone so all can have a vibrant relationship with the eternal Living God.

Think about it. From the beginning, God’s extraordinary love is on full display. He created humans in His image and likeness. He desired that we freely fellowship with Him and have healthy, flourishing families and loving communities.

But the disobedience of the first man, Adam, brought sin and the death penalty upon the entire human race. Death, however, is not a cessation of life. Instead, it is a separation.

Physical death is a separation of the spirit and soul from the body. Spiritual death is a separation of the spirit and soul from the life and light of a holy God. So, without the Savior, there is only darkness, despair, death, doom, and destruction.

The good news is that Jesus Christ is God’s Son, the Eternal Word of God, and the Messiah-Savior who came to restore us to a right relationship with God. He came to show us the real meaning of life and give us a fresh start.

“In Him is life, and the life is the light of all mankind.” ~John 1:4

There’s more to life than you think.

The Greeks called the physical and spiritual life zōē (zo-ay). [In English, we get zoology.] The Greeks were religious but did not understand real spiritual life.

On the other hand, the New Testament writers expounded. Zōē is life in its fullness, sustained by the eternal, self-existent, all-sufficient God. Then, the New Testament writers revealed that eternal life – perpetual God-quality life―is available through Jesus Christ, God’s gift to humanity.

In Him is life and light.

What is the life that is in Him? It is the life God the eternal Father has in Himself, which He gave the incarnate Son to have in Himself.

It is radiant life and light coming from the eternal Spirit―abounding in all that is excellent, exquisite, brilliant, majestic, fabulous, authentic, transparent, pure, good, perfect, noble, right, virtuous, praiseworthy, lovely, joyful, peaceful, glorious, wonderful, marvelous, spectacular!

Indeed, eternal life and light are in Jesus Christ, as was shown on the Mount of Transfiguration when His face shined like the sun. And the eternal Son of God became flesh and dwelt among us, died for our sins, rose again on the third day, and is alive forever. He now offers this life we could not know without Him to whoever will receive Him. (Matthew 17:2, John 5:26, John 1:12)

Jesus is the Light of Humanity.

Yes, dear people, Jesus came to bring life and light to everyone. Christmas is a celebration of His advent over 2,000 years ago. We also celebrate His vibrant, Spirit-filled life of grace and truth. And we rejoice that anyone can have eternal life through Him.

“And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.” ~ John 17:3


[Scripture references: Gen 1:26-28; Rom 5:12; John 1:1-5, 14; Phil 2:9-10; 1John 1:1-5]


Want to know more about the God who loves us and loves to communicate with us? Get your copy of my book the Simplicity of Hearing God: 21 Ways God Speaks to Us.

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    3 Responses

    1. This is excellent Cap!! You have laid out the Gospel in such a wonderful and unique way!!
      Thank you!!! We should send this to everyone who’s having a hard time knowing who Jesus is!!
      Send it to all your family and friends!!!😇

      1. Janice, thank you for reading, commenting, and sharing. One morning I was praying and was impressed to write down “In Him is life.” The Spirit asked me what did that mean. Then He told me. I try to write only what I hear Him say. Glory to God.

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