Christ Came to Bring Life and Light to Everyone

Christ Came to Bring Life and Light to Everyone   Did you know Jesus Christ did not come from Heaven to start a religion? No. He came to bring life and light to everyone so all can have a vibrant relationship with the eternal Living God. Think about it. From the beginning, God’s extraordinary love […]

Messenger Angels and Christmas Miracles

Messenger Angels and Christmas Miracles During the first Christmas, messenger angels show up everywhere. They appear in visions and dreams and sometimes look like ordinary men. Sent by God, they come to encourage and aid God’s people to fulfill His plan. A Messenger angel announces the birth of John. First, Gabriel, the archangel, announces to […]

You are capable and powerful

You are capable and powerful   Did you know you are capable and powerful–ideally suited for these ferocious times? No matter what is happening, you have an inside advantage. You are of God, little children, and have overcome them because He that is in you is greater than he who is in the world. – […]

How to Receive Your Healing and Live in Health

How to Receive Your Healing and Live in Health   By Capazin Thornton   Do you know healing is part of salvation and belongs to you through Christ’s finished work on the cross? Healing is the children’s bread. (Mk 7:27) Every year, we celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Congregations often sing potent […]

Life is beautiful-can’t you see it?

Life is beautiful-can’t you see it?   Remember that scene in the movie where King Kong sat on a high mountain cliff on Skull Island looking out at the sun setting in a vast blue sky when Ann (Naomi Watts) put her hand over her heart and said one word, “Beautiful.” At the movie’s end, […]

Do You Wholeheartedly Believe?

Do You Wholeheartedly Believe? Can you think of a more crucial time to wholeheartedly believe God? You might say, “Yes. I believe in God, have since I was a child.” But I didn’t ask you if you believe in God. The Bible says, “even the demons believe—and tremble!” (Jas 2:19b). Respectfully, I ask you to […]

How to Keep Deception Out of Your Life

How to Keep Deception Out of Your Life   While one of the clear signs of the last days is rampant misinformation, untruth, fraud, and lies, do you know how to keep deception out of your life? Let’s learn from the mistakes of the first woman. Eve was deceived by a supernatural being later revealed […]

How to Live and Operate in Superseding Faith

How to Live and Operate in Superseding Faith   Simple faith will get your needs met, but you need superseding faith to live victoriously in the world today. What is superseding faith? Is that in the Bible? Absolutely – on full display throughout. To supersede means: overrule; set aside or cause to be set aside […]

The Blood of Jesus is Redline for Victory

The Blood of Jesus is Redline for Victory Years ago, I learned always to cover myself with the Blood of Jesus when engaging in intercessory prayer. One day last week, I failed to do that. Here is what happened. First, let me say I generally pray whenever I wake up. Often that’s 1:00, 2:00, or […]